Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for a Dying Atheist

I have an urgent prayer for my elderly atheist friend. He is to all appearances close to death now. Two years ago I e-mailed to ask for prayer for him, and his health improved. After reading about you asking your dad to reach out and take Jesus' hand at the moment of death, I asked my friend do do the same. His face softened and he said"Of course. I'm not too proud to admit if I've made a mistake." I am hoping, in your phrase, that this gets his toes across the line.
Please join me in prayer for this elderly atheist ... not my friend but that of an anonymous reader who occasionally emails.

Dad? You there? I'm asking for your prayers for this fellow ... and calling on St. Monica and St. Augustine to join us as well.
God of power and mercy, you have made death itself the gateway to eternal life. Look with love on our dying brother, and make him one with Your Son in His suffering and death, that, sealed with the blood of Christ, he may come before you free from sin. Amen.


  1. Will do. May eternal Light shine upon him,beginning now.

  2. May his heart soften to God's grace. Peace be with him.

  3. Sounds like he's on the right path. Prayers to him.
