Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Apathy of Leisure

Roy H. Williams hits the nail on the head. Again. Here's a bit, then read (or listen) to his Monday Morning Memo.
A person capable of creating is happiest when they are creating.

Artists create visual and auditory artifacts that affect our thoughts, moods and attitudes. Riddle-solvers perform feats of engineering and invention. Teachers create new understanding in the minds of their students. Entrepreneurs create businesses that offer us new and different experiences. Communicators create stories and speeches and ads.

Made in the image of God, humans are creators by nature. All humans.

Yes, that includes you.

What do you create? What do you change? What effect do you have on the world around you?

The Success Myth of our culture is an evil one. We are told that "the freedom to do nothing" is the reward provided by great wealth. Have you spent much time among the idle rich? Sadly, I have, and on many occasions.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of Josef Pieper's 'Leisure the Basis of Culture,' in which he traces the theological, philosophical, and cultural/sociological roots of leisure, which in its truest form is really 're-creation.' It has become one of my favorite little books, and very apropos for summertime. True 'leisure' is not 'doing nothing,' but a return to contemplation and restorative (often creative) activity that bring us back to our humanity. The whole essay is only about 75 pages, so it's not daunting to get through if you're not a big reader of philosophy. I highly recommend it!
